Laura Baumeister, a filmmaker who creates imaginary landscapes and is passionate about captivating stories, honed her directing skills at the prestigious Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica in Mexico. From the beginning of her career, her short films have stood out for their intimate, powerful, and fresh perspective on female and environmental themes.
"For me, storytelling and observation are like the jungle: the more diversity of species, the more hypnotic and attractive the narrative becomes"
— Laura Baumeister
Her debut feature film, "La hija de todas las rabias" (Daughter of Rage), stands as the fifth fiction film in Nicaragua's history, a place that has inspired and enriched her with its lush flora and fauna. This work premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, followed by the San Sebastián International Film Festival, and has traveled to over sixty international festivals, garnering various awards along the way.
In addition to her work in film, Baumeister has ventured into the world of mini-series, with "Niña Furia" (Fury Girl) being her most notable work, sold to HBO MAX, as well as directing music videos and commercials in Central America.
Among the brands she has collaborated with are Movistar, Claro, and Nescafé.